The Client Amplification Experience
Client Amplification
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Calling Healing Artists, Holistic Practitioners,
Therapists & Creatives...

If you're ready to elevate your impact & income by bringing your in-person practice into a phenomenal online group program that sells — and most importantly, helps people transform their lives — in 3-months or less, this is for you.

Go from 1:1 to 1:Many in as little as 30 days.
Living Brightside has had the pleasure of working with:

We see you.

You are a Therapist.
You are a Bodyworker.
You are a Reiki Master.
You are a CranioSacral Practitioner.
You are a Naturopath.
You are a Spiritual Teacher.
You are a Shamanic Healer.
You are an Expert in Transformation.
You are a ___________.

(you get the picture. 😉)

Now more than ever people are seeking the expertise of transformative healers. The world needs you.

It is no wonder that you are overwhelmed... there's only ONE of you & you want to help SO many!

If we had to guess...

As a Soul-Led Leader you KNOW you have the ability to offer something AHHH-mazing online, you just don’t know how to bring all of your expertise into an online group program that you feel comfortable & confident selling & delivering.


You are unsure about how to charge for an online program. You don't want to undervalue your service just because it is not in-person but you also don't want to charge too much and feel unaccessible to the people you deeply want to help.


You are activated, ready to show up like never before, and know that the time is NOW to bring your in-person offerings on-line, but you are worried that the potency and intimacy of your client experience will suffer.


You have spent too much of your precious time, energy, and money going down the rabbit holes of the internet, desperately trying to piece together the technology and "know how" you need to help more people.


You have tried to DIY your way to a successful launch of your online practice, with entirely underwhelming results.
(Ugh, we’ve all been there.)


You are looking for someone to help you craft an EPIC offering and show you how to seamlessly transition into the online space with ease.

You are not alone.  We see this ALL of the time and that is exactly why we created our program.

Your services are in HIGH demand. There is no shortage of clients who seek your services, but there is a limit to how many one-to-one clients you can see in a day or how many in-person offerings you can handle.

You know this...
And you just want to help more people...

What if there was a way that you could give you best to more clients & be very happy with the abundance you receive, all while not being bogged down by a heavily scheduled calendar?

There is a way.  It is time for you to AMPLIFY your changemaking, healing practice.

Amplify YOU.
Amplify your ripples of love.
Amplify abundance on all levels for you and so many.

Just like these incredible clients have...
“I broke 5-figures in my first launch and I feel amazing! When I signed up to work with you, I was on the brink of giving up. You saved me. I feel so much hope now. This means everything to me. The fact I can do this and it’s repeatable, it’s so great. Maybe there are other things I could do that feel “safe”, like having a corporate job, but I don’t want to do that. Now, I’ve proven that I can live my life, be me, and do what I want to do!”
Heather Grzych, Author, Ayurvedic Guide to Optimal-Primal Feminine Health
"Brightside marched into my business and helped me do all of the marketing for my membership site. My goal was 40 new people, but with their marketing genius, they helped me bring in 115 new members!! 

An extra $30k per year for my biz in just a few weeks of hiring them. 

If you want to make a lot more money and work a whole lot less then you must work with them!! Brightside delivers the goods!! #LivingProof."

Corin Grillo, MA, LMFT, Licensed Psychotherapist, Bestselling Author, The Golden Vine Podcast Creator, Intuitive Energy Healer, Educator, and Modern Mystic
"Brightside helped me reach hundreds of my potential divine clients and filled my first 3-day business conference which brought in over $200,000 in sales!

When Covid-19 hit, we pivoted and the Brightsides helped me launch a 21-day program with enrolling over 600 women and bringing in $20k of revenue & many of these women went onto enroll in my other programs.

Sofiah Thom, Founder of Temple Body Arts School, Envision Festival, Danyasa Eco-Retreat (Costa Rica)
The worldwide e-learning market is projected to be worth
$325 Billion in 2025.

That's a lot of lives being impacted &
you get to be a part of this movement.
Our clients have experienced incredible online success.

Will you be our next ridiculously happy client who is creating a unique ripple effect through the online transformational scene?

You know that the service you provide is second to none. You have so much to give, but there is a limit to how many clients you can see in a day.  How can you bring your practice online and reach more clients, while maintaining the magic of your offer?

You know that you want to make the transition into the online space, but the thought of figuring out all of the tech and all of the automations makes your head SPIN!

You are using up all of your energy trying to get your on-line practice up and running, so much so, that you are neglecting your existing clients (and maybe even family time?).

You see other practitioners ’killing it’  in their online practices.
Their social is exploding - Oh look! Another 6-figure year?"

How do they do it?

What do they have that I don’t?

Okay, you asked.  Are you ready for the answer?

We are going to let you in on a little secret.

There's no secret.

They are definitely not better than you and they definitely did not do it all on their own.

So, what do they have that you don’t?

Well for starters they likely have...

  •  a potent & clear in-demand online offering
  •  their technology figured out and the right systems in place that they know how to operate with ease
  • a team of experts to help get create growth & wealth
  • a support system to pick them up and set them on the right course, when they inevitably stumble, behind the scenes
  • copywriting & branding guidance to help them get their messaging on point

That’s right, there is an entire system and team behind that "calm, cool and collected” face that you see on social media.

And, as a healing professional, you know better than anyone, that we all need support to succeed.

At some point, that super confident, 6-figure online coach or therapist that you look up to, was feeling exactly how you are feeling right now.

Yup. For sure.They were pulling out their hair trying to figure out the technology, sales funnels and ALL of the things.

They were agonizing over what to charge and struggled to sign those first clients.

They needed the help of a support system, to troubleshoot their challenges and celebrate in their successes.

Like you, they knew deep in their soul that they were on the edge of something great, but they didn’t have the structure in place to get them from A to B.

They knew it was time to AMPLIFY.

Enter the Brightside's Client Amplification Experience.

Consider us your first class ticket from A to B.  From being an overwhelmed in-person practitioner, to running your business online, reaching more clients, creating more wealth and actually working less.

Like for real.

By bringing your soul-led business online,  your client base becomes world-wide. Just think of the impact you will have.

The time is now to amplify your success by bringing your healing gifts online.

The Client Amplification Experience is your road map to launching your successful online healing practice.

During our 13 week program you will:

  • bring your transformational expertise & loving wisdom together into an online business model and serve the clients you really want to be working with (just think about your current clients you LOVE and x's that by at least 10!).
  • walk away with a soul-led online offering that you can keep building on for life, that creates healing miracles for your clients, and nurtures you on every level.

  • get clear on your phenomenal online client delivery methodology — we'll answer the question "How do you serve your clients?" in detail & help you build it all out.

  • gain access to a plug + play Soul Led Tech and marketing platform that we'll help you tailor to be uniquely yours. You will learn how the 'ins and outs' of your technology, so you are no longer at the mercy of costly web developers.

How does that sound?

You know you could try to figure this all out on your own but you don't want to. You want a team to have your back!

You don't want things to feel so darn complicated.

There is no doubt that you are amazing at what you do - but that doesn’t necessarily include being an online business tech and marketing genius.

You need to focus on what you do best.

We promise...

It doesn’t have to be this difficult.
Let’s cut the overwhelm.

I mean, it’s the Brightside after all.
We will take you from:

Pulling your hair out, trying to figure out the technical “ins and outs”... TO… having a super-simple plug and play system that will automate your online healing offering so that you no longer have to worry about the "techy" stuff while being empowered to know how to operate your own business.


Being overwhelmed by your back-to-back bookings, feeling capped out and completely unable to take on any more clients…TO…reaching even more beloved clients, creating more wealth for you & your family, and having more time to nourish your Soul & special relationships.


Not knowing how to bring your brilliance into beautiful, impactful online offering…TO… having a solid, proven, beautiful, impactful healing program that people are happy to pay for.


Offering mediocre, disconnected on-line workshops or low-ticket offerings... TO… delivering high-level professional quality service to a highly engaged online community of beloved clients.

The number of registered learners on various online course platforms have increased 438% over the past 5 years.
The time is now to AMPLIFy.  Just like these incredible change-makers have...
"BRIGHTSIDE is the BEST Get ready to have your life changed for the better more than you could ever anticipate! I created a whole course and couldn’t be prouder of it, and now my big program has a baby program to piggy back - oh, I see the method to your magicalness now!!! I am so grateful for all the love and support and pro systems you guys have empowered me with… just wow!!! And I just signed up two more people!!!"
Aidan, Award Winning Singer-Songwriter
Shortly after our call and dialing in my ideal client, one landed in my inbox and I signed up my first client in the new $10K offer! Thank you for being really lovingly fierce with me around the unconscious blocking that was going on to get to this point. I've been super clear and inspired since our call. I really feel a profound pivot happening. Thank you for caring, for being strong with me, for seeing me, and for supporting me and giving me these next steps. I really, really value who you are in my life.”
Ajaya, Founder of Core Embodiment, Flow-State Guide, Creative Catalyst
Brightside entered our business’s journey at the perfect time. Their guidance was critical in launching our membership program. They helped in so many unexpected ways. They brought peace, inspiration, and technical advancement to our business. Our group grew 5X during the first 4 months with no paid for advertising. They go above and beyond for every member. I’ve never experienced a community like this before and love being a part of this community.”
Stephanie Bickel, Managing Director of Speak By Design
This is how we do it
The Transformational Pathway:
The Curriculum
Step One

Settle Into Personal Clarity
You will get precise clarity on how your purpose & expertise will express through your business to create a prosperous online group program.

Step Two

Generating Your Ideal Online Clients
You'll know exactly who to connect with online and how & will begin the process of generating your preferred clients for your online program.

Step Three

Launching Your "Mini-Beta"
You'll receive our proven process for how to enroll your first clients into your Mini-Beta and begin working with clients to build out your online group program. We'll show you how to price it, package it, sell it with ease, onboard clients, and get it rolling in the most simple way on earth. You get paid to develop your program & validate its potency from the start.

Step Four

Leverage Your Soul-Led Tech ™
You'll get our Done-For-You, Proven, Plug & Play, Highly Customizable Soul-Led Tech System. We've done ALL the heavy lifting for you when it comes to technology. No need to hire a Web Developer, either. We got all the web pages you could ever need.

Step Five

Launch Full Beta
We'll guide you through our magical launch process as you prepare to bring your work to the world! You'll get everything from a 1:1 Launch Planning call, your launch planning docs, timeline, promotional strategy including day-by-day templates for copy & content, and your sales system to confidently & easefully enroll your next group of clients.

Since it began,  the e-learning space has grown by
900% globally.
So, what exactly are you waiting for?

You know you're ready to make BIG moves!

There truly has NEVER been a better time to bring your practice into the online space. The time is now.  The online transformational space is absolutely exploding.

Don’t sit back and watch your peers bring their healing and therapeutic modalities online, while you are drowning in one-to-one client overwhelm & trying to figure out the online stuff.

Don’t waste your precious energy wondering how they found success online, while you are still trying to decide whether you should even keep trying.

The only difference between them and you is that they hired experts they felt aligned with & took the LEAP.

Realizing your financial dreams & beyond by transitioning to an online platform is possible for you. If it

Stop wondering.  The answer is YES.

Before we start working together
Let’s make sure we are a good fit for each other
otherwise things get a little uncomfortable.
The Brightside is FOR YOU if...
You are really good at what you do & have a lot of experience working with clients as a healing artist, holistic practitioner, therapist, or creative.
You are able to take decisive action and implement big change.
You are a self-led leader, willing to put in the daily dedication. You're willing to make mistakes & keep going no matter what so you can revel in your success.
You are ready to become who you're meant to be and own your greatness so you can help people change their lives around the world!
You are at a point in your career where you are ready to level-up beyond your wildest dreams!
The Brightside is probably   NOT FOR YOU if...
You don’t have very much professional experience in your specialized field of practice.
You are completely starting from scratch. We aren’t here to help you build up your healing expertise, we are here to help you bring your healing art to many!
You aren’t 100% sure if you want an online business. We are not here for toe-dippers, you gotta be ready to dive into the deep end!
You don’t feel deep in your soul that what you are offering will change the world for the better & just want to figure out a way to make money online.

The upward trend in online learning:
more people are accessing online learning

"I am a Reiki Healer & Registered Massage Therapist transitioning into mostly doing energy work and spiritual coaching with people online.

I basically just had two or three years of being sort of introverted and learning all of this stuff. All this content was bubbling up and I felt like I needed to get it out and I needed to deliver it to the world and release it. I just had no idea how to do that.

Lara and Kevin came along and everything divinely aligned and solutions came to me. And I have been working with them ever since.

The last 30-40 days have been so fast paced and I have signed up FIVE new clients into my transformation program!

I'm proud of bringing in $7,500 in my first month!

Brightside has been so supportive and they have resources that you need to tap into like multiple coaching and training calls each week and even emotional support.

I put my trust in Brightside and they roll out the red carpet.

I just wish I had signed up sooner."

Kiki Sedia, Reiki Master & Massage Therapist
“Brightside helped me be successful with signing up 6 clients quickly.  I brought in $9,000 in my first month online. I gained so much momentum because of the level of guidance I was receiving and it made it so easy for me to take the next step.”
Wes Please, DJ
Brightside will hold you accountable so you better be ready to be the most amazing version of yourself! AMP delivers so much valuable information within the program, and you gain access to a super badass community of high level entrepreneurs. I became super clear on what I offer and who I offer it to, have an understanding of online funnels, and a belief in myself and abilities that I didn’t have before The Client Amplification Experience!”
Emily Bailey, Women Empowerment Coach
How do we create your in-demand online group program?
Access to Brightside’s Soul-Led Online Business Creation Platform & Done-For-You Tech that will Create & Launch your Online Group Program (we have it all built out for you already & can't wait to help you customize it!)
Business Plan Workbook — Exclusive to AMP — Never before have you seen any program offer this! We're working miracles for your business planning & content organization. You'll have everything you need for your business in one place & each piece you write & create comes to life. You'll see...
13 x weekly 60-minute Group Mentoring Calls with Lara Brightside - she helps you stay on track! 
13 x Weekly Hands-On Soul-Led Tech Support with Kevin & Varenka - Never have tech woes again! Kevin & V have your back & will help you customize the platform we've already built for you
Weekly Group Copy Mentoring Calls to support you with writing & communicating your messages so you can share yourself powerfully & authentically online
Unlimited Accountability Calls with your Client Success Manager to be there to pick you up and get you on the right track
Private Facebook Community — One of the most genuine & loving groups of humans on the planet! 
One Private + Twice Monthly Group ThetaHealing Sessions to receive mental, emotional, and spiritual support as you evolve alongside your business growth
Daily Energetic Uplevel — Receive access to a process we use to guarantee your Vision comes into reality, on-the-daily!
Get access to the program before we start where you'll get precise clarity on how your purpose & expertise will create a prosperous online group program
Plus these amazing bonuses if you apply now (total value of bonuses $21,000):
Lifetime Access to Proprietary Processes & Done-For-You Tech, including all Future Upgrades - LAST TIME WE'RE OFFERING THIS. Value $10,000
BONUS 1: Private ThetaHealing Session — Throw all the thoughts that are holding you back on the table & let's release them FOR GOOD. Value $1,000

BONUS 2: FILL YOUR PROGRAM: Design & Deliver Mini Transformational Experience

We'll help you craft & deliver a Mini Transformational Experience (MTE) that's a taste of the transformation you offer in your online group program.

Now, you have a way to build relationships online with potential clients & guide those who are the right fit for what you do to become clients.

*This is your marketing strategy.

This alone is worth the investment in working with us.

Value $10,000

They are my angels!

"Working with Kevin and Lara has been amazing! They have guided me from the beginning by assisting me in defining my client, and creating offers that are tailored to the specific needs of my clients. They have helped me create ads and offers that have grown my client base even faster than I thought possible. I'm so excited to see where we will take the business together. They are incredibly energetic, enthusiastic, and knowledgeable. They also are very interested in my intuitive thoughts and feelings on every decision we make. They are my angels!"

Melanie Davis, Medium + Intuitive
Don't just take my word for it.
See what other are saying about working with Team Brightside.
Eve generated $25K in revenue from five new students, and I hadn't even fully launched.
Wes had $9000 in revenue in his first month of launching his online group program.
Aidan went from in-person to virtual, 3X her prices, and created a soul-fulfilling business.
Kiki made $7500 in her first month of launching her online offering.
Ulla sold five spots into her new program and generated $7500 online so far.
Your Interview
Coming soon...
Meet Lara and Kevin Brightside
A true force in the business of online Transformation, this dynamic duo has generated wide-spread impact with their phenomenal clients. Having worked with the likes of Mindvalley,, Drs Joy + Roy Martina, SARK, Corin Grillo and Trevor Blake, Team Brightside is ready to help you level-up and bring your Soul-led business online.

"The Living Brightside team came highly recommended to us after we had recently created an online membership program + community.

They’ve helped us exceed our goals for new online offer enrollments, create new sales funnels for our growing needs, consistently improve our lead generation and conversion rate, attract more customers, and automate our business processes. 

The Living Brightside team has an innate + intuitive way of understanding creative clients and they know how to target those areas where they can make a difference in their business. 

I couldn’t recommend them more."

— Meg Baker, Director of Operations, Planet SARK
Susan Ariel Rainbow Kennedy, known by her pen name SARK, is an American author and illustrator of self-help books. Five of her sixteen books have been national bestsellers, and she has sold more than two million copies of her books.
100% Satisfaction-Guarantee.

We only take on clients we're certain we can help. If you're chosen to work with us & you commit 100%, we're confident in our ability to help you build and realize your online group program vision, and therefore, do not offer refunds. We have your back all the way and will make sure you succeed.

Copyright 2022 Living Brightside Enterprises, all rights reserved.
This site is not a part of the Facebook™ website or Facebook™ Inc. Additionally, this site is NOT endorsed by Facebook™ in any way. FACEBOOK™ is a trademark of FACEBOOK™, Inc.

DISCLAIMER: The sales figures stated on this page and discussed in the training curriculum are our personal sales figures and in some cases the sales figures of previous or existing clients. Please understand these results are not typical. We’re not implying you’ll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). The average person who buys “how to” information gets little to no results. We’re using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you’re not willing to accept that, please DO NOT PURCHASE FROM Living Brightside.
